Frequently Asked Questions
Search FAQs
Your Mortgage
What is Private Mortgage Insurance?
What is an Advance?
What is escrow?
How can I tell if Vanderbilt has received notice that my homeowners insurance was renewed?
How do I file a claim for damage to my home?
How do I update my homeowners policy information?
Property Taxes & Tax Forms
When will you mail my 1098 Tax Form?
Can I get my 1098 Tax Form sooner?
Is an Escrow Account required for my property taxes?
How do I enroll in or change automatic payment information?
How can I stop automatic payments?
Where do I mail my payment?
Your Home
What should I know before moving my home to a different county or out of state?
Can I move my home?
How do I sell my home?
My VMF Account
What are the maximum fees charged for available services?
What do I do if I updated my phone number, and I'm not receiving the multi-factor authentication text anymore?
What do I do if I need to change my name or home address?
Pre-owned Financing
Where do we apply?
Who can I buy a pre-owned home from?
Can I finance a home that is or will be located in a park, community, or on a rented lot?
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