
Manufactured Homeowner Responsibilities and Tips

So, you bought a manufactured home and you’re ready to rock out homeownership? Congrats! Schedule time on your calendar each month to work on these items.

Becoming a homeowner is exciting! Whether it is your first home or your fourth, this milestone is a big accomplishment – but it is also a big commitment. Owning a manufactured home is work and comes with many responsibilities. The transition to homeownership can be full of unexpected surprises, if you are not prepared. To help you prepare for your new role as a homeowner, let’s look at some of the key responsibilities to care for your new home.

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Interior Maintenance:

  • Change air filters & light bulbs
  • Cleaning: floors, bathrooms, surfaces, deep clean appliances

Interior maintenance as a homeowner is not much different from renting, but the importance of it is amplified. When renting you may not consider the benefits of deep cleaning or weekly sweeping because it’s not your forever home, not your investment. However, when the home is yours – these details matter a lot more. Neglecting periodic upkeep of the furnace can, in some cases, impact the energy efficiency of your home, causing problems in the long run, so it’s important to stay up to date on these quick and simple tasks to maintain the interior of your home.

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Exterior Maintenance:

  • Cleaning siding & lawn care
  • Cleaning & repairing skirting
  • Roof repair & coating
  • Sump pump installation

Maintaining the exterior of your manufactured home can boost its curb appeal and save you from more costly issues down the road. Pressure washing your siding can make it look like new, while regularly coating your roof may prevent leaks. Maintaining the exterior of your home can help reduce many future problems and help keep your home looking great.

We do not recommend repairing your gutters, roof or crawl space on your own. All of these jobs can be dangerous. Hire a professional gutter cleaner, roofer or crawl space repair person who is trained to complete these jobs safely. If you must enter a crawl space, never do so without having someone wait for you outside the crawl space who can call for help if you are injured.

Confronting Issues:

  • Be sure to have home insurance
  • Fixing plumbing & flooding
  • Electrical
  • Maintaining & creating the driveway

One of the responsibilities that comes with owning a home includes paying for the cost of repairs. Some homeowners establish a savings account or fund for home repairs. Go ahead and begin to build a fund so y are prepared to address routine maintenance and unexpected repairs.

Want help knowing how to maintain your home in every season? Check out our Home Care Video Tips series to keep your home maintained throughout the whole year.

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